Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ask questions!!

Something that I have been struggling with is dealing with people who are clueless; people who are so comfortable in their bubble that they don’t stop and question ANYTHING. They don’t stop and READ beyond what they need too and they don’t understand the correlations that can be made between the past and present, between Capitalism and Colonial rule, and how EVERYTHING we do AFFECTS someone else, somewhere out there.

In class today, one of my professors said “Americans know the price of everything, but the value of nothing”. This is completely true. We, and yes, I am speaking of myself as well, are not aware of what it means to be a consumer. How being a mass consumer affects workers in factories overseas, affects the environment of our nation as well as other nations, how demanding has caused so much poverty across the world. We don’t stop to ASK, because we have been conditioned to NOT question. And that is a huge problem.

We don’t stop and question, why are nations of Africa so poor? I read a comment today from an article I read that someone stated that “we” as in the United States, need to help the Mexican government control their people especially their drug policies, because drugs are always being smuggled into the US and consequently affecting the economy and human life. Yet, no one is aware that the drug smuggling comes from all nations in South and Central America, as well as Mexico. That some farmers in the global south find it more beneficial to plant drug crops in order to SURVIVE. The trade market has made it impossible for farmers to get enough money to eat, send their kids to school, and maintain a healthy life.

I’m just saying, before we judge, let’s just take a step back and become more aware of the situations that other countries have to face. And another important thing to keep in mind, the US is not GOD and the US is not GREAT. We are a capitalist country that strives on making profit for ourselves…individually. And because of this, and COLONIALISM, GLOBALIZATION, and other factors, most nations across the world are dramatically suffering.

Also, my friend Sean just brought to my attention that I shouldn’t say global south, but instead countries ready for takeoff!! Which I think it is awesome, and which I think does represent many of the countries.

Just take this in consideration, before the invasion of the US Army into the Dominican Republic because of fear that DR will not pay in debts, the country was doing pretty well on its own. Yet here comes the US army and puts Trujillo in power and down the drain the development of DR goes. And why did America feel the need to “colonize” Puerto Rico? Just keep in mind to NOT ACCEPT situations the way they are, QUESTION them, READ as much as you can, and be MORE AWARE in being a GLOBAL CITIZEN and knowing how you are involved in this structure.

FYI...the photo is not mine, I got it from http://tivate.com/articles/why

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